Dosage Instructions

Take 2mL of our herbal tincture per dosage, which is approximately 2 half-droppers full. This is high as the liquid will go up the dropper so we will call this "2 droppers full" from now on. Take this in a small amount of water (1/4 liquid ounce is enough) but can also be taken in as much as a tea mug portion if desired.

The idea is to get it down fast, as the herbs have a bitter flavor that classically indicates its properties to clear heat and support the immune system. Then you can chase it with water or a tart flavored juice or add a bit of honey.

We recommend to set them where you will see them regularly - by the sink in the kitchen or bathroom with a small cup next to it.

And always get plenty of rest!

To Prevent a Wind Attack

For prevention of a "wind attack" with light adaptagens to support your immune system, take:

2 droppers full 2-3x day

Immunity Boost During Viral Outbreaks

For a preventative dosage to help your immune system during viral outbreaks in public health, take a slightly stronger dosage:

1 dropper full 2-3x day

1 dropper full 2-3x day

Upper Respiratory Distress

If you get symptoms of upper respiratory distress such as fever, aches and sore throat, you can take:

2 droppers full 2-3x day

Coughing and Phlegm

If you have coughing and chest issues with phlegm, take:

2 droppers full 2-3x day

How To Use

Drink at first signs of not feeling well or if being more preventative daily as directed above and continue until you feel better. Take it with food or after eating if possible, especially first thing in the morning.

Give the herbal bottle a quick shake, and then add droppers (at least halfway up the dropper) of the herbal tincture into a small cup.

Now add a small amount of water over the herbal tincture and drink if quickly. Down the hatch! Follow it with a little more water or juice if you prefer.

100% Vegan Made in USA

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